
USTIA is dedicated to ensuring that travelers have affordable access to travel protection and travel assistance; educating consumers about travel insurance and related issues; promoting fairness, integrity, and a commitment to excellence in the travel insurance industry.

USTIA brings together competitors committed to the improvement and enhancement of the travel insurance industry, and the ethics of the profession.


USTIA membership is company-based under the Association’s bylaws.  Employees of member companies are eligible to serve on committees, be elected to the board, and receive all membership benefits at no additional cost.

Member category differences may apply.

Become A Member

Easily join USTIA by selecting the appropriate business category and registering online.

Find A Member

Search current USTIA member companies by name or business type.

Get Involved

USTIA invites member company staff to be a part of the work making an impact in evolving the travel protection industry.

Upcoming Event


Access industry related information and tools.

Travel Retail Registry

The one-stop resource that helps connect travel businesses to insurance providers.

2020-2022 Market Study

The biannual summary of the travel protection market trends 

Consumer FAQ

Learn more about travel insurance and its necessity to all your trip plans.



US Travel Insurance Association

Founded in 2004, the US Travel Insurance Association (USTIA) is a national nonprofit association of insurance carriers, third-party administrators, insurance agencies, and related businesses that develop, administer, and market travel insurance and travel assistance products. USTIA members represent 90% of the travel insurance marketplace.